Survival Training in the Dordogne

Learn how to survive in the forest and become the new Mike Horn on a survival course in the Périgord Noir in the Dordogne!

Survival training in Dordogne | Adults

5 options available from €174

Book your activity

3 days
Everybody welcome
From 16 years-old and up

Practical information

3-day survival training course

Course of events

Day 1

- 8 p.m. Welcome participants at the meeting point and briefing on the course (meal not provided)

- Introduction and definition of a survival situation, then repair of equipment, briefing on the fundamental principles of survival (managing priorities, dangers, objectives, etc.), and finally workshops: setting up and making traps, then setting up and making an emergency shelter.

- 12 a.m. Bedtime (basic sleeping arrangements at Le Rozel farm)

Day 2

- 7.30 a.m. Wake up, have breakfast (free coffee) and get into shape, manage stress

- 8.30 a.m. Departure from "base camp": introduction to orienteering techniques in the wilderness, observation of vegetation, recognition of edible and poisonous plants and fruit, collecting and transporting water, observation of animal tracks, etc.

- 12 p.m. Arrival at the bivouac site: choice of a suitable place to set up the bivouac, learning the main principles of assembly and the techniques for making a shelter, learning how to make a fire (the 5 basic techniques without matches or lighters, role-playing and distribution of tasks, etc.)

- 3.30 p.m. Learn how to make drinking water (technique used to purify water)

- 4.30 p.m. Learn how to make and handle weapons and traps (bows, arrows, etc.)

- 5.30 p.m. Departure for an expedition to gather edible plants, learn hunting techniques, collect edible insects, set traps, etc.

- 6.30 p.m. Meal around the campfire using only the fruits of the afternoon's fishing, hunting and gathering

- 8 p.m. Evening meal: stories, impressions, group cohesion, emotional intelligence management, reminder of the various techniques learnt during the day, followed by an introduction to recognising the main constellations to help you find your way by the stars and a night walk in the forest without a torch

- 11 p.m. Bedtime

Day 3

- 7.30 a.m. Wake up

- 8.30 a.m. Departure for an expedition to gather edible plants, learn hunting techniques, collect edible insects, set traps, etc.

- 9.30 a.m. Lunch around the campfire: stories, impressions of the night, group cohesion, reminder of the various techniques learnt, followed by an introduction to and awareness of first aid, including making stretchers and transporting an injured person

- 12 p.m. Break camp: tidy up the site and learn about respect for the environment and how to behave around fire

- 12.30 p.m. Departure from the bivouac in complete autonomy: introduction to orienteering in the wilderness with map and compass (how to set a course, read a map, etc.)

- 2.30 p.m. Return to the gîte: shower, comfort, debriefing, etc. with complimentary buffet and coffee

- 4.30p.m. End of the course

Activity requirements

Material to be provided for the course:

- a backpack
- a sleeping bag
- a hiking outfit (walking shoe, trousers, fleece)
- a pair of tap dance shoes
- a spare pair of socks
- a raincoat, a pair of gloves, a hat
- a swimming costume
- a water bottle or flask of waterplastic water
- a bowl, a spoon and a glass (preferably metal)
- a headlamp
- a pair of sunglasses, hat
- a knife
- a bin bag
- an organic soap and a towel

Cameras, GoPro and SIM-free phones are permitted.

Meeting point:
Ferme Le Rozel, 24590 Saint-Genies
Spoken languages:English, French
Do not forget to bring
  • See the list above