Book your activity
Practical information
- Children welcome at the Nordic Event 74 base in Chainaz-les-Frasses
- Presentation of the base and the sled dogs
- Allocation of a dog to each child (a dog of size, character and power suited to each child)
- Start of the sled dog discovery workshops: the children will learn how to approach and manage a dog, prepare it for the dog harnessing activity; learn how to manage the effort of the dog/human pair during a canine traction activity (hiking with one dog per child or, depending on size, 2 children for one dog); introduction to hiking with dogs (approximately 1.5 hours of towed hiking) with associated activities (agility course with the dogs, etc.); introduction to mountain orienteering (learning to read an IGN map, finding your bearings, finding beacons in pairs with your dog, end-of-course challenge); feeding and caring for the dogs
- Half-day debriefing with the instructor and end of the activity
Maximum age: 17 years old
Children must not have any medical contraindications to take part in this activity: previous injury, asthma and/or allergies to animal hair.
Bookings for this course are part of the PLAJ programme for the canton of Alby-sur-Chéran. Please select:
- the PLAJ A rate for children living in the canton of Alby;
- the PLAJ rate B for children from outside the area.
- Instructor
- Hiking or sport shoes
- Comfortable clothes adapted to the weather
- Backpack
- Sunscreen
- Sunglasses
- Hat
- Bottle of water
- Snack