Helsingin Retkiluistelu

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Learn more about Helsingin Retkiluistelu

Helsingin Retkiluistelu is a company offering enjoyable ice skating excursions in Helsinki, Finland!

Helsingin Retkiluistelu is a company offering enjoyable ice skating excursions in Helsinki, Finland!

Helsinki is the capital city of Finland, known for its beautiful architecture, rich culture, and unique location on the shores of the Baltic Sea. The city is spread across a number of islands and peninsulas, giving it a distinctive maritime character. Helsinki experiences a cold climate during the winter months. With Helsingin Retkiluistelu, you can learn all about Nordic skating and embark on an exciting adventure across frozen lakes in Helsinki's stunning wilderness!

Book an unforgettable ice skating excursion in Helsinki with Helsingin Retkiluistelu now!

The Manawa guarantee

We rigorously select all the instructors we work with, to guarantee you a safe, high-quality experience.
Certified and verified identity
Registered and verified business
Verified insurance certificate
Verified qualifications and diplomas